Query Cloud

Docs to Answers

Experience Seamless Knowledge Retrieval with Query Cloud: Upload Documents, Get Instant Answers with AI-Powered ChatGPT!



Input your ChatGPT API Key to establish a secure connection and unlock the full potential of the platform's advanced features.


Create your database effortlessly by uploading your documents to the platform.


Explore your document library and swiftly retrieve any information you need with unparalleled efficiency.


Engage your document database with a multitude of questions, extracting the information you seek with ease and precision.

Smart database

Creating a solid database is like setting up a smart information hub. We enable you to not just store data but also ask questions and get quick, meaningful answers. It’s about turning your data into an active tool, making the whole process straightforward and useful. Say goodbye to static information, and welcome a database that works with you!

API Access

Revolutionizing document management, our app integrates GraphQL API, providing a modern and straightforward way to upload documents and interact with them. With the power of GraphQL, document uploads become a breeze, offering flexibility and control. What sets us apart is the dual functionality – not just a smooth upload process, but also the ability to inquire and search through documents effortlessly. This transformative approach ensures that your documents are dynamic sources of knowledge, allowing for insightful queries. Elevate your document handling experience with our innovative solution.

Why Choose Us

Choose us for a streamlined document management experience with advanced AI integration. Query Cloud offers a user-friendly interface, robust features, and rapid information retrieval. Whether you’re managing extensive databases or utilizing our developer-friendly API, our commitment to innovation and efficiency sets us apart. Join us for a smarter way to handle your documents and gain meaningful insights effortlessly.

Trusted by

“This app has transformed the way we work with documents. Its AI-powered search is incredibly accurate, providing instant answers to our queries. The efficiency and precision have saved us valuable time, making it an indispensable tool for anyone dealing with a large volume of documents. Highly recommend!
“Query Cloud nails it! Instant document solutions—game-changer!”
Steven Jones
“Query Cloud's API is a developer's dream. Effortless document uploads and AI-powered questions have turbocharged our app's capabilities. It's the go-to solution for seamless integration and an instant boost in functionality. ”

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We currently offer enterprise subscription only. Please leave your details to obtain more information.